The 13 Seeds Blog

Here are some tips to Sustain Energy longer!

13 Seeds Hemp Farm 0 Comments

Fatigue is super common in today’s fast-paced society! The first step to combatting fatigue is with a good night’s rest. You can help to improve your sleep hygiene by going to bed and waking up at the same...

5 simple tips to keep your kidneys healthy!

13 Seeds Hemp Farm 0 Comments

Your two kidneys are bean shaped and about the size of your fist. Despite their size these little organs are capable of some impressive things.Their main role is to filter and remove waste products and excess fluid from...

Is hemp seed oil the answer to these medical conditions?

13 Seeds Hemp Farm 0 Comments

Hey guys! Welcome back to another week of our 3 Question Friday series. I’ve got some cracking questions this week that I had a lot fun researching! Congratulations to Allan, Irene, and Sandy who all won a $20...

Hemp Oil - Anti-Ageing and Skincare - By Tony De Souza

Terry Memory 0 Comments

Hydrate and heal with hemp! Does your skin get dry and itchy in the cooler months? There are lots of things we love about winter in Tasmania, but icy winds on chilly mornings is not one of them! Even though...

Benefits of Hemp Oil in Skincare - By Terry Memory

Terry Memory 0 Comments

Renowned for their incredible health benefits hemp seeds are rich in the vital nutrients, such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, your body needs to stay healthy. In fact, hemp seeds are one of only a handful of plant proteins...

Turmeric: Natural Treatment for Eczema and Itching

13 Seeds Hemp Farm 0 Comments

Turmeric is a herb that is often used for cooking. It is the root of the South Asian plant; the Curcuma Longa, which is not just a kitchen favourite - but can also be an effective treatment for...