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The 13 Seeds’ Ultimate Guide To Manage Inflammation Naturally

by Deepika Gupta 04 Nov 2020
The 13 Seeds’ Ultimate Guide To Manage Inflammation Naturally - 13 Seeds Hemp Farm

Are you tired of inflammation taking over your life? Are your joints and muscles aching with no relief? Are you ready to experience less pain and more joy? If you answered yes, then you’re ready to join millions of others who experience debilitating inflammation every day and are ready to make a change.

Keep in mind, you’re not alone on this journey. According to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, one in three Australians experiences chronic inflammation (1). This means up to 30% of Australians have had their joy, health, and mobility taken from them by the crippling effects of inflammation.

You and so many others deserve to live a life free of debilitating pain, disease, and illness. By managing your inflammation, you can begin to transform the pain you’re feeling right now into an active and joyful life later. The good news is, we’ll show you how to do exactly that.

In this handy guide, you will learn the tools and strategies to manage inflammation naturally without making dramatic lifestyle changes. This information is so simple and easy to use, you can practice these tools today and notice changes in your inflammation symptoms almost immediately.

WARNING: This guide is not designed to diagnose or treat inflammation or inflammatory diseases. Please contact your doctor or a medical professional before attempting any of the information in this guide.

The ultimate goal is for you to take your health into your own hands and do what you can to manage your inflammation symptoms naturally. So, let's begin. The journey to a healthier, joyful, and more vital you awaits.

So, what is inflammation anyway?

Inflammation is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Inflammation is like an emergency button that your body hits when an infection, disease, or damage has occurred. Inflammation is totally natural and healthy. In fact, it's a warning sign. Don’t ignore it. Because if you do, the following issues may occur.

The following health issues are linked to inflammation:

  • Joint pain
  • Immune disorders
  • Skin issues
  • Diabetes
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory problems

We know inflammation doesn’t feel great, but these health issues are your body’s way of telling you something has gone horribly wrong. If you are experiencing inflammation, it means your body is trying to fix a problem but it is struggling to do so. In other words, your body's calling out for help. While your body is waiting for your immune troops to arrive, here’s what it’s doing in the meantime to fight the issue.

Here’s what the body is doing when it’s inflamed:

  • It’s warning your immune cells that there is a potential invader.
  • It’s working on the issue to reduce the damage and minimize the spread of infection.
  • It’s releasing substances to repair the problem.

Think of inflammation as a firefighter or a policeman. They’re there to help with an issue and try to make things better. The moment may be tense, hot, and even dangerous, but they go in with the tools they have and get to work. This is what happens with inflammation in the body.

Now, that we know what inflammation is and what it does, you should know what kind of inflammation you have. When you know what kind of inflammation you have, you’ll be able to take the next step towards less pain and more joy.

The Two Kinds of Inflammation

There are two kinds of inflammation that may be affecting your health, happiness, and wellbeing. The two kinds often work hand in hand but may lead to separate health outcomes. Here’s what you need to know.

Acute Inflammation:

Have you ever gone for a walk or run and felt immediately sore afterward? How about a time when you tried a new strenuous exercise that left your arms and legs feeling tense? These are examples of acute inflammation.

Acute inflammation is considered “short term” inflammation. It happens when your body is responding to a recent tissue injury like a sore muscle after working out or a joint injury after overuse.

Imagine this. You stubbed your toe on the dining room table. You noticed a sharp intense pain, then a dull ache, and finally your toe became puffy and hot. This was acute inflammation.

You know you have acute inflammation when you notice: (2)

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Difficulty moving
  • Heat
  • Swelling

Keep in mind, sometimes acute inflammation can be silent. This means that your inflammatory responses may come later in the day or week.

For example, if you get a bruise from falling on the floor, perhaps the area is not immediately inflamed. But two days later, you may notice discoloration and pain in the area.

You know you have acute inflammation when the area is only inflamed for a matter of days or weeks.

This is not the type of inflammation that should really worry you long-term. It’s the other type of inflammation that should be taken more seriously.

Chronic Inflammation

If you’re struggling with pain every day and it doesn’t seem to go away. Or if you’ve had severe health issues for months and years with very little change to your condition, you may be experiencing chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is considered “long term” inflammation. This means that you experience inflammation in your body for long periods of time like months or even years. This is the inflammation that can cause deadly outcomes to your health and wellbeing.

The following list of health issues are commonly linked to chronic inflammation: (3)

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Allergies

Scientists are still researching the link between these diseases and chronic inflammation. However, scientists do know that they are often associated with inflammation.

These health problems can lead to chronic inflammation which can rob you of your health, mobility, and joy.

If you’re still not sure whether you have acute or chronic inflammation, refer to the table below:






Bacteria or tissue injury

Bacteria or viruses that the body can’t defend against and remain in your immune system.





A few days

Months to years


Inflammation goes away or becomes chronic inflammation

The problem worsens over a long period of time


But there’s good news! Inflammation doesn’t have to hurt you forever. There are ways for you to manage your symptoms day-to-day with 100% natural lifestyle and diet changes. Here are the nine steps you can take to manage your inflammation naturally.

9 Steps to Manage Your Inflammation Naturally


To properly kick off your journey to manage inflammation,  you must first cleanse your environment. There are tons of environmental toxins lurking and living in your home right now and they need to be removed immediately.


Step 1:Get rid of environmental toxins

One insidious toxin lurking in your cabinet right now is BPA. This is a known hormone disruptor that can potentially worsen your inflammation (4). BPA lives in soft plastic containers you take home from the supermarket and thin water bottles. You can avoid the toxins found in BPA by replacing your soft plastic containers with glass containers. Mason jars and glass food storage containers are excellent alternatives.

You should also get rid of synthetic fragrances. There are hundreds of chemical fragrances that lurk in your cabinets. From soap and candles to laundry detergent and air fresheners. Synthetic fragrances contain chemicals that if inhaled may cause triggers in your inflammation (5). Replace synthetic fragrances with natural scents like fresh flowers or essential oils.


Step 2: Avoid these inflammatory foods

In the western world, we are constantly exposed to foods like white sugars, simple carbohydrates, and processed oils that can cause inflammation. (6) Food such as white rice, sugary sodas, and red meat can all cause the body to become inflamed. But wait, there’re more foods to avoid if you want to feel less pain and live a healthier lifestyle.

Here are more inflammatory foods avoid: 

  • Alcohol
  • Dairy
  • Bacon
  • Cheap Deli Meats
  • Soybean, Sunflower, Rapeseed and Safflower Oils,
  • Hot Dogs and Sausages
  • Soy
  • White Flour, Bread and Rice

Step 3: Eat these anti-inflammatory foods

Now that you’ve removed most of the inflammatory foods from your kitchen, it’s time to bring in the anti-inflammatory foods. There are foods rich in vitamins and minerals which can help reduce your inflammation. What’s cool is that there are animal-based and plant-based foods on this list so there’s something for everyone.

Eat more of these anti-inflammatory foods (7):

  • Fruits:
    • Apples
    • Avocados
    • Oranges
    • Lemons
    • Limes
    • Berries
    • Watermelon
  • Vegetables:
    • Leafy greens
    • Broccoli
    • Cauliflower
    • Cucumber
    • Carrots
    • Beats
    • Mushrooms
    • Peas
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Zucchini
    • Squash
  • Proteins:
    • Eggs
    • Turkey
    • Chicken
    • Salmon
    • Trout
    • Lentils
    • Legumes
  • Nuts and Seeds
    • Hemp Seeds
    • Cashews
    • Walnuts
    • Almonds
    • Flax Seeds
    • Chia Seeds
    • Sunflower Seeds
  • Grains:
    • Brown rice
    • Wild rice
    • Buckwheat
    • Millet
    • Quinoa
    • Whole Grain Products
  • Oils:
    • Hemp Seed Oil
    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • Coconut Oil
    • Avocado Oil
    • Walnut Oil
  • Condiments:
    • Apple Cider Vinegar
    • Almond, Cashew or Sunflower Seed Butter
    • Raw Cacao Powder
    • Fresh and Dried Herbs
  • Drinks:
    • Filtered Water
    • Green Tea
    • Herbal Tea
    • Coconut Water



Long-term Inflammation can have horrible effects on your immune system. When your immune system is inflamed or overactive, it’s difficult to fight infections which can lead to unfortunate health issues. The immune system needs your help to run at it’s best. Here are three steps to support a healthier immune system and manage your inflammation naturally.

Step 4: Sleep More

Proper sleep is probably the most overlooked aspect when it comes to your health. A good night's rest is critical for an immune system that can fight inflammation. These days, you may get into bed after being exposed to bright lights in the house or while using your smartphone. With all of the light and distractions, getting a good night's sleep can be difficult. However, experts recommend getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night to improve your immune system and support your inflammation response (8).

Step 5: Soak Up The Sun

One way to kickstart a stronger immune system is to feel the sun on your skin. Sun exposure can improve your mood, stimulate vitamin D production in the skin, and encourage your immune system to ramp up (9). You can take a casual walk around the block or sunbathe on the beach. However you get sun in your life, your immune system will thank you.

Step 6: Get a Professional or Self Massage

When your body is massaged, your muscles, tissues, and organs can release toxins and remove them. Whether you get a professional massage or you message yourself, you will be encouraging the release of toxins that keep your immune system occupied. By releasing toxins in your joints and muscles, you will help stimulate your immune response and free up your system to manage your inflammation. It’s like giving your body a vacation so it can come to work feeling refreshed (10).


What exactly is vitality? Well, Vitality is the state of being healthy, capable, and energetic - isn’t that what we all aspire to? Vitality is the final phase required to send inflammation to the cleaners. So how exactly can you achieve vitality?

Step 7: Start a Regular Exercise Routine

Regular exercise can change your life. It doesn’t matter how much or little you can move, just move. If pain and inflammation cause movement challenge for you, here are a few exercises that may help.

  • Taking a casual walk
  • Light yoga
  • Standing up and sitting down
  • Stepping forward and stepping back
  • Arm circles
  • Wiggling your toes

As long as you build a regular exercise routine, you will notice improved health conditions and more joy as time goes on.

Step 8: Manage Your Stress Levels

In order to reach a healthier state with less inflammation and more vitality, you must learn to manage your stress. High-stress levels can be a trigger for inflammation (11).  If you’re experiencing stress right now, stop what you’re doing, have a few deep breaths and take your mind off the problem for a moment. This is a small but mighty act that can lower your stress levels and help reduce the triggers that worsen your inflammation.

Step 9: Practice Mindfulness

Taking care of your brain and mental health is just as important as taking care of your body. Mindfulness is the act of being aware of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment. Mindfulness is important to reaching vitality and managing inflammation because it can help you tune into your body's needs, reduce stress, and help your body relax. The brain is a muscle that can be trained to keep you balanced at all levels of your journey.

Here are a few ways you can practice mindfulness:

  • Meditation
  • Silent walks
  • Eating food slowly
  • Expressing gratitude to friends and family
  • Journaling
  • Reading


Hemp and Inflammation

At 13 Seeds, we know inflammation is stopping you from living a pain-free, healthy lifestyle. That’s why we offer natural hemp solutions that can help you on your journey from idle to vital.

With diet and lifestyle changes, we believe hemp can support a healthier life with less pain and more joy.

Here’s what we know about hemp and inflammation.

Historically, hemp has been used as medicine for pain and inflammation since 400 AD (12). From Native American tribes to French physicians, hemp and other cannabis products have been recommended to treat stiff joints, arthritis, fever, and skin issues. (13).

The success of hemp in pain management is partially due to its high nutritional content. This incredibly medicinal plant is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which are known to help manage inflammation (14).

In addition, the cannabinoids in hemp also provide a special benefit to inflammation. Cannabinoids are well-studied and have shown promising results in reducing chronic pain all over the body (15).

Due to the presence of healthy fats and cannabinoids, hemp has shown positive effects in reducing pain and inflammation in the following areas: (16)

  • Joints
  • Nervous System
  • Autoimmune diseases like diabetes and arthritis

You can enjoy the inflammatory benefits of hemp in a number of ways. Hemp capsules can easily be taken on a daily basis along with your other vitamins. Hemp oil can be applied to inflamed or painful areas of the body. Hemp seeds are great sprinkled on food, in smoothies, or as a snack.

That’s why we at 13 Seeds create healthy hemp products to help support your journey to a healthy, joyful lifestyle.

Here are some popular hemp products to support your journey to a healthier, more vital you:





Inflammation doesn’t have to rule your life. This guide was designed to show you natural ways to manage your inflammation. Now that you know what may be causing your inflammation, you can take control of your lifestyle and diet choices to help manage it. Consult with your doctor or physician to see what lifestyle options are best for you. Always remember, that your health and happiness are in your hands and you have the power to achieve the joy and abundance you wish to experience.


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