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Good night, sleep tight! A foolproof guide to stop feeling groggy and wake up early in just 30 days.

by 13 Seeds Hemp Farm 15 Mar 2022
Good night, sleep tight! A foolproof guide to stop feeling groggy and wake up early in just 30 days.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Do you ever wake up feeling groggy? Well, sleep can make or break you. Pulling all-nighters or tossing and turning is not only quite tormenting but can also literally cut down years of your life. And yet, sleep problems are very common nowadays. 

58% of participants from all over the world declared that they’re not satisfied with their sleep, according to The International COVID-19 Sleep Study. We’ve all had nights when our minds couldn’t stop racing or when we had to push through to finish that task. 

 A good sleep routine is fundamental to a healthy life lived to your fullest potential. Did you know that most people who are sleep-deprived don’t even know it? Why? 

You easily forget your true potential when you've been running at 50% capacity for a couple of years. 

Do you often feel groggy in the morning?
Are you tossing and turning frequently?
Are you wondering, “why do I wake up at 3 am?”
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Is insomnia interfering with your life?
Do you want to find out how to wake up early and refreshed?
Do you want to try a natural sleep aid  instead of prescription pills?


Well, you might just be in the right place. If you want to improve your sleep FAST, without using harsh chemicals which leave you grumpy and groggy in the morning, stay put. This guide is for you.

13seed’s Strategy: How to Wake up Refreshed and Improve Your Sleep!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Change requires knowledge, action, and perseverance. Our guide is structured around that. 

The aim of the first part of this guide is to get educated. Why is sleep important? Do melatonin and sleeping pills actually work? How to get more deep sleep? What works best? These are the questions we’re gonna answer shortly. 

I’ll then share a few tips & tricks about building a healthy sleeping routine. Afterward, I’ll introduce you to 13Seeds’ Theranight: a natural sleep aid. Our formula contains plants that are proven to induce natural sleep patterns.

Stay tuned.The secret to waking up refreshed is just around the corner. 

Step 1: Put Your Nerd Glasses On! We’re Getting Into Sleep Science..

By now, you've probably heard that sleep is crucial to your health. Despite it being a cliché, it’s actually true. You may not know, however, why that is.

Understanding circadian rhythms can give you more insight into the importance of sleep. What are circadian rhythms, you ask? They are a variety of mental, physical, and behavioral processes that follow a 24-hour cycle. Most living organisms have one. In fact, even plants have circadian rhythms. Darwin referred to mimosa pudicas as “sleeping leaves” because of their clock-like internal mechanism. 

Our internal clocks are influenced by light and darkness, and other factors such as exercise, food, and body temperature. Even social gatherings influence our circadian rhythms.

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Simply put, circadian rhythms are a bunch of cellular mechanisms working together to signal to your body when it’s the time to call it a night or rise and shine. Also, they affect everything from hormone release to immunity. It's most likely that if you disrupt this clock, you'll experience sleeping problems.

So, what does lack of sleep do?

Well, for one, sleep deprivation messes up with our executive functions, a.k.a. memory, attention, organization, planning, and emotional regulation. 

The link between sleep and memory has been by far the most studied. Adequate sleep helps information stick to our procedural and declarative memory. While procedural memory helps us remember how to do things, declarative memory stores various facts and events. I can type this article because I automatically know how to type, yet I remember what to type because I can recall all the relevant information about sleep deprivation. 

That’s why cramming the night before an exam is ill-advised. Not getting enough sleep can literally block your capacity for learning new things, OR it can lead to forgetfulness. And who wants that, right?

Our concentration also takes a hit when we’re sleep-deprived. There are some ingenious experiments out there to prove it. Here’s one by David Dinges and Hans van Dongen.

Participants were split into four groups: the first group was sleep-deprived for 3 days, the second one slept 4 hours a night, the 3rd one slept for 6 hours per night and the control group had a full eight-hour sleep. This went on for seven days. Every day, the participants took an attention test. 

What did the experiment reveal? Well, for one, pulling all-nighters or losing a couple of hours of sleep may have the same effect on attention. After 7 days, those who slept 6 hours a night did just as bad as those who hadn’t slept in 3 days! And recovery sleep during the following days didn’t really help with that. 

Another interesting result was that participants had microsleeps during the attention tests. Microsleeps are brief moments in which the brain goes in stand-by mode. This made the participants unresponsive to the test and is the leading cause of car accidents. As Matthew Walker, author of “Why we sleep”, put it: 

“During a microsleep, your brain becomes blind to the outside world for a brief moment—and not just the visual domain, but in all channels of perception. Most of the time you have no awareness of the event. More problematic is that your decisive control of motor actions, such as those necessary for operating a steering wheel or a brake pedal, will momentarily cease. As a result, you don’t need to fall asleep for ten to fifteen seconds to die while driving. Two seconds will do it.”

How about our mood? I’m sure you can bring to mind a morning when you woke up groggy and drowsy. Maybe you lashed out on your partner, a friend, or lost your temper in traffic. Sleep deprivation disrupts our emotional life, making us more prone to experiencing extreme emotions. It is linked with anxiety, anger, mood swings, and even higher risks of addiction relapse.

It even puts a toll on your heart. Those who are sleep-deprived carry a higher risk of developing heart disease. 

During a good night’s sleep, we enter the non-rapid eye movement stages. We will call it deep sleep mode. During this phase, our blood pressure drops, the heart rate slows down and our breathing becomes more stable. If we don’t enter this phase during sleep, or don’t go through enough nREM phases, an imbalance occurs. 

The sympathetic nervous system, responsible for keeping us vigilant in the face of danger, is hyperactive, while the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for a state of calm and relaxation, is hypoactive. Thus, our body is in constant overdrive. It’s as if a bear was constantly chasing us. This is straining for the heart. 

Sleep also strengthens our immune system and reduces the risk of developing cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Sleep is the backbone of well-being.

Melatonin For Sleep: Friend Or Foe?

You may have seen all those melatonin supplements out there and thought: “Hey, this might be perfect for me”. Well, there’s something no one tells you about it. 

While melatonin is called the sleep hormone, it doesn’t generate sleep. It signals to your brain that it’s dark outside and induces a state of calm wakefulness that encourages sleep. It doesn’t actually generate sleep. While it may be ok for those with jet-lag issues, it rarely works. In fact, it may even cause you headaches, morning grogginess, lack of focus, or anxiety. Melatonin might make you groggy if you're searching for how to wake up early.

And if you take it, you need to be attentive to your dosage. Sadly, 71% of melatonin pills examined in a study didn’t contain the amount of melatonin specified on the label.

Prescription sleeping pills may also have a counter-intuitive effect on your sleep quality. They fail to induce natural deep sleep and end up acting like a sedative. While they should provide sleep support, quality gets lost on the way.

Those who take sleeping pills don’t reap the usual benefits we get from sleeping. When you sleep, your brain cements fresh memories and strengthens synaptic connections. What’s more, sleeping pills can even weaken brain-cell connections, acting as a memory eraser. Consult with your doctor before trying these out. They should be a last resort. 

How can you say goodbye to all the tossing and turning? Well, natural sleep aids paired with sleep hygiene can do wonders.

Bonus Material: Introducing TheraNight+ | Natural Deep Sleep without Morning Grogginess (

Step 2: Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked? No Worries, We Have the Perfect Sleep Hygiene Checklist.

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Physical, mental and sleep hygiene are pillars to our well-being. Sadly, sleep hygiene is often frowned upon. The hustle and bustle culture typically rewards productivity at all costs. Wake up at 5 am. Be available 24/7 for emails. You will succeed. 

But the stakes are high. These rewards come to the expense of your sleep and health, as we’ve mentioned in the previous section. 

Restless sleep and feeling groggy don’t mix well with well-being, professional success, and healthy relationships. If you’re reading this, it means that you are probably looking for methods on how to wake up refreshed and you are motivated to get an understanding of sleep science. Well, sleep habits, along with natural sleeping aids, are the answer to the age-old question: How to wake up early and actually feel energised?

What Is Sleep Hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene refers to all the behaviors and habits you can implement to make sure you rest well and wake up refreshed. How to get more deep sleep and improve sleep hygiene, you ask? Well, here are a few things you should keep in mind.

With Sleep, Consistency Is Key

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Remember that internal clock I mentioned earlier? Well, if you’re consistent with your sleep schedule, the internal clock has greater chances of being regulated. Try to resist the urge of hitting that snooze button. At first, it might not be the easiest thing to do. Yet, ultimately, your body and mind will thank you for it.

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P.S: Even though you might have heard that 6 hours of sleep per night is alright, studies show that most adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep ! 

Design a Sleep Friendly Environment

Our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are context-dependent. That’s why it would probably be harder to get a full night’s sleep at the office. Your bedroom should be a relaxing place, one you associate with peace, sleep, and relaxation. 

That is why you shouldn’t lie in your bed awake if you’re not planning to go to sleep. So, if you are tossing and turning and have trouble falling asleep, get out of bed. You can try a relaxing activity in another part of the room or another room altogether.

Since light signals to your brain that it’s time to wake up and get going, keeping your bedroom dark until the alarm rings is key to quality sleep.

Avoid Blue Light and Electronic Devices Before Bed

Blue light reduces melatonin levels, which can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Also, scrolling on social media or watching YouTube videos can end up stimulating you, which is not exactly what you need before bed. Surely, a TV show or a movie sounds cozy before falling asleep, but it can interfere with your sleep patterns.

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Have a Relaxing Routine Before Bed

Try to ease down 1 hour or 2 before going to sleep. A relaxing routine is a simple recipe so you can get a good night and sleep tight. It doesn’t have to be a long and elaborated ritual, as long as you stick to it and you find it relaxing.

It can include a warm shower, reading a good book, meditating, or a good stretch. This may be different for everyone. A relaxing activity signals to your brain that it’s sleep time! We’re often so alert during the day, that we forget to turn it down a notch when night falls.

Stay Away From Prescription Pills and Alcohol

It’s not enough to sleep for 7 hours. Sleep quality weighs in just as much as quantity. Even though they come in handy when you know you can’t sleep, and you have an important day tomorrow, prescription pills and alcohol reduce the quality of your sleep. 

It is not uncommon to reach out for a couple of drinks to soothe those nerves and get to bed. Are you wondering “why do I wake up at 3 am?” Well, alcohol does get you to sleep, but it’s a superficial sleep. Actually, it interferes with the body’s ability to enter that deep sleep mode. That’s why many people wake up during the night when they had something to drink the night before.

While a glass of wine or a beer here and there is alright, you shouldn’t make a habit out of using it to fall asleep. What’s more, prescription pills can cause addiction.

Keep Your Tobacco And Caffeine Intake in Check Before Going to Sleep

Research suggests that you should have your last cup of coffee at least six hours before you go to sleep. Caffeine can contribute to insomnia or have you tossing and turning in your bed. The same goes for tobacco. 

For a Good Night’s Sleep, Maintain an Active Lifestyle

Photo by Brian Erickson on Unsplash

If you have trouble sleeping, or you experience restless sleep, daily exercise helps. Not only does it help with emotional regulation, but it also improves sleep quality and helps with falling asleep. According to research, exercise increases the amount of deep sleep you get per night. 

An Apple a Day Keeps Insomnia At Bay!

What we eat puts a mark on how we feel, both physically and mentally. In fact, the stomach has been coined our second brain. Our gut health, or the trillions of bacteria residing in our gut, affects everything: from sleep to anxiety or depression. For instance, microbiome imbalances are associated with insomnia and other health conditions, such as depression. Here are a few tips to keep your gut healthy. 

In general, it's best to avoid processed foods and sugary foods before bed, but especially before you go to sleep. This class of food raises blood sugar levels and disturbs the circadian rhythm.

Bonus Material: How to wake up early and own the day!

Step 3: Wondering How To Get More Deep Sleep Fast? 

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

For faster and guaranteed results, pair your sleep hygiene with a natural sleeping aid. Luckily, we have just the solution. Theranight by 13seeds is a natural sleeping aid like no other. You’ll stop feeling groggy, improve your life and wake up early in no time.

Our natural deep sleep supplement was created to support healthy sleep. What this means is that our formula will not put your internal clock off-track, and you’ll enter the deep sleep mode stages as well. 

Theranight contains no melatonin or harsh chemicals. Due to the full absorption during the night, you will wake up refreshed and energized, ready to tackle whatever the day has to offer. 

And if you’re no stranger to racing thoughts before bed, our sleep capsules are worth a try. Its natural ingredients work synergically to boost gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), a naturally occurring amino acid that lowers stress and anxiety. 

GABA has an overall calming effect on the nervous system. Not only does it allow for deep sleep, but it also ensures a healthy response to stress. In fact, it has been shown that many people who suffer from anxiety disorders have a GABA deficiency. What’s best, unlike prescription pills, Theranight doesn’t cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.

Now, let me introduce you to the magic ingredients. 

Passionflower, Valerian Root Extract, Humulus Lupus, and Lemon Balm are the stars of our natural sleep aid. Passionflower and Valerian Root extract work together to stimulate the production of that natural neurotransmitter we talked about: GABA. These two herbs make a great team, as studies show. 

Photo by Grianghraf on Unsplash

Humulus Lupus or Hops provides wonderful sleep support as well. Yep, you guessed it! It’s the same ingredient used to make beer. A study has shown that non-alcoholic root beer increases sleep quality and lowers anxiety. 

Finally, lemon balm. Besides its use in aromatherapy, lemon balm has been shown to lower anxiety levels and promote sleep, especially if paired with other plants, such as Valerian. With the help of our natural sleeping aid, you’ll sleep like a baby, say goodbye to racing thoughts, and wake up refreshed. 

With so many sleep capsules out there, it’s understandable that you might be wondering if they are effective. 

Fun fact, 92% of our customers saw an improvement in their sleep the first time they tried Theranight Natural Deep Sleep capsules. Check out what our customers think of Theranight natural deep sleep capsules. 

Are you ready to try out Theranight? 

Here’s what you need to get the best deep sleep with Theranight:

  • Determination to gradually implement new habits in your life. For Theranight to work its magic, you have to take care of your sleep routine. Taking it and then scrolling on social media just doesn’t cut it. Sleep hygiene is important as well.
  • Patience to watch the results unfold.  You’ll probably feel Theranight working on the first night, but it takes a couple of weeks for it to work completely, due to the gentle formula.

    Bonus Material: Pick the best bundle of Theranight+ Natural Deep Sleep Capsules and save up to 78$! 

    Are you ready to say goodbye to sleepless nights and restless sleep? Give Theranight+ a try. And the best part is that if you see no improvements in the next 30 days, we’ll give you your money back. We invite you to unlock your true potential by getting the sleep support you need.

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